Monday, September 7, 2009

Changed Blog Locations

Hi since I've started my own business Pastimes Online Ltd. I have moved my blog over to the new location.

Please come by and visit me here at Vals Quilting as I have a few more posts there for you to catch up on...


1 comment:

Christel said...

Hi Valerie, and very nice to meet you as well! Thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving a message. It is always so nice to meet new people, and those who are not neccissarily doll artists! I think it sometimes gives us a different perspective on creativity. I so enjoy SM and the guest bloggers there. I have been inspired many many of the posts. Samm..well, shes a doll, I love her, and have know her for a little while now. She has helped me in so many ways..with my blog, my presentation, my life in general. I hope many of you are fortunate enough to get to know Samm better. I am going to browse through your blog after this message, and who knows..I'm sure I will take some inspiration with me when I go! Have a great day, FaeWee Blessings, Christel